Fordham University            The Jesuit University of New York

CIS Department Talk - Friday April 15, 2005

The Department of Computer and Information Science & The Society of Computer Science Present

Speaker:  Dr. Andrew Kinley and Dr. Gary Weiss
Topic:Are Dishwashers Intelligent? Reflections on Where Information and Intelligence Collide
Date:Friday April 15, 2005 at 10:30 am
Place:John Mulcahy Hall, Room 404


We have dishwashers that can sense when your dishes are cleaned. We have search engines producing results so accurate, it becomes an irritation when we can not find what we want. These modern advances are driven by the ability to process large amounts of stored information in an intelligent way. There has been active exploration of the realms of intelligence and information for the 50 years, however, their study has typically been separate with only the rare researcher intentionally straddling the area in between. In this talk, we trace the evolution of these research disciplines and examine how recent developments and innovations have lead to successful applications that exploit the integration of the two.

For more information or directions, contact:
Ms. Diane Roche (718) 817-4480; (

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