Dr. Roger Tsai
Joachim Leonfellner
Jeff Lockhart
Gregor Pichler
Tony Pulickal
Michael Brown
Greg Dellolio
Kenneth Durkin
M. Tausif Hasan
Andrew Johnston
Joseph Leroy
Meredith Lukas
Greg Rigatti
Isaac Ronan
Jessica Timko
Lab Director, WISDM Lab
Associate Professor, Department of Computer & Information Science
Java Dev Assistant
Biometrics Researcher
FCRH'16 CIS & Mathematics
Web Dev Assistant
Android Dev Assistant
Activity Recognition Researcher
FCRH'17, CIS & French Studies
Web Dev Assistant
Lead Biometrics Researcher
FCRH'17, CIS & Mathematics
Social Media/Marketing
Java Dev Assistant
FCRH'15, Mathematics
Java Dev Assistant
FCRH'12, Mathematics
Research Assistant
Lead Android Dev
Activity Recognition Researcher
FCRH'16 Mathematics & CIS
Data Mining, Server Architecture, Database Management
FCRH'16, CIS, Mathematics
Jess is a member of Fordham College Rose Hill 2016, majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics. She has worked with WISDM since the second week of her freshman year in 2012. Her primary responsibilities involve running experiments utilizing data mining techniques. After graduation, Jess plans to continue her studies in graduate school.
Biometrics Researcher
Feature Generation
Android Developer
Uni. of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, Austria
During his time at HLW for Media Design and Media Informatics, JOachim became very passionate about creating things. He started with several design and web projects for local companies and soon moved on to more complex coding tasks. After his graduation from HLW, Joachim enrolled at University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg to study Mobile Computing. He is in the 5th semester at the moment, and will finish next year with BSc. During his study, he did a couple of internships including one at CERN in Switzerland where he built interactive mobile panels for the visitor center. If you want to know more about Joachim - feel free to check out hisblog
Server Architecture Lead, Activity Recognition, Biometrics, DBA, Server Admin, Gates Cambridge Scholar
CAM'15 Multi-Disciplinary Gender Studies
Android Developer
Uni. of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, Austria
Gregor's first steps into development started with programming some small websites for local companies. After graduating from Secondary College for Business Administration, he began studying Mobile Computing at the University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg in October 2011. His passion for developing iOS apps begain during his second semester. From then on, Gregor worked on his own projects and participated in several internships, the most recent at a young start-up called Tractive where he developed parts of "Peterest" and "Pet Manager" (available on the App Store). Currently Gregor is also working on a rowing app which detects strokes based on accelerometer data. More information can be found on his website.
Web Dev Lead, UI/UX, Project Management, Systems Engineer
CU'14 FCRH'13, GSAS'13, CIS
Tony began working with WISDM as a Graphic Designer and later also worked as a full stack web developer. His first major project was a complete overhaul of the WISDM website. As the semesters progressed, he also coordinated data collection efforts and continued to develop the WISDM and Actitracker web interfaces. His junior year, Tony was accepted into the Accelerated Master's Program for Computer Science at Fordham GSAS and received funding via WISDM's NSF grant. During that time, he also led a team of web developers and continued to coordinate efforts with the server and client teams to further improve Actitracker's interface and user experience. After four years of work with WISDM, he now works at Columbia University asa Systems Engineer. He continues to consult for WISDM and provide assistance with conference posters and web practices.
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
B.S., FCRH'12, CIS
Android Dev, Feature Generation, Biometrics
FCRH'13, M.S. Student, GSAS, '13
Android Development Lead
M.S., GSAS'13, CIS
Activity Recognition
Hard Biometrics
B.S., FCRH'10, CIS
Web & Java Dev
Android Development
Server Architecture
B.S., FCRH'10, CIS
Server Architecture
B.S., FCRH'10, CIS
Android Development Lead
B.S., FCRH'11, CIS
Database & Server Consulting
Lab Director, WISDM Lab
Associate Professor, Computer & Information Science
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