Fordham University            The Jesuit University of New York

Fordham Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory in partnership with Georgia Tech Mobile Robot Laboratory receives $1.05M grant from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

Fordham's Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory (RCVL) will share this $1.05M grant to conduct research into new and novel formal frameworks for the analysis of probabilistic and behavior-based robotic algorithms for both single and multirobot applications. The resulting methods and tools will provide a basis for establishing guarantees of performance of these algorithms in complex real- world environmental situations. This is crucial for the critical real-time real- world needs of WMD search, analysis, and recovery tasks. When searching for WMDs, we cannot assume the luxury of a do-over; we must get it right the first time! The research will be led by RCVL Director Dr. Damian Lyons (Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences) at Fordham and by MRL Director Dr. Ronald Arkin (College of Computing) at Georgia Tech.

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